Trying to tame the universe- What is your destiny?

Trying to tame the universe

Trying to tame the universe.

Sometimes we want to control our world.  Just like this picture suggests, we try to put the universe into our own little jar or box.  We plan, we manipulate, and we connive.  We want to control our destiny.

It is true, we were given dominion at creation of the earth, the animals, and the plants.  We were to be the stewards of Yahweh’s world.

Then came the fall.  We lost our right when we fell out of alignment with the Creator.  We were at the mercy of the new caretaker.

But Adonai did not leave us in this bondage.  He prepared a way for us to be reconnected to Him.  Through His Son.

It is when we get reconnected, we regain our rightful place.  And then we regain our rightful dominion.  But this dominion is not in our power, but His.

So yes, we were given dominion over creation, but it is not our power, but His power.  It is when we surrender to Him, we gain our authority.

A thought

Progress towards maturity is not to be measured by victory over the sins we are aware of, but by hatred of the sins which we had overlooked and which we now see all too clearly.

Arthur C. Custance

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16