It might be Friday night, but Sunday is on the way.

an empty tomb with crosses in the background highlight our hope
Sunday is coming

We talked last time about which came first the night or the day. And we began talking about why it is important. This time lets explore an expression that titles many famous inspirational messages.

It’s always darkest right before the dawn…


Sunday is on the way is a hope bringing message to all Christians. Right now it may seem like it is Good Friday night all over again. It is dark. Jesus was killed. Hope seems to be gone. But our hope is not in the present, but in the final victory. This allusion harkens back to Jesus’ victory over sin and death. He was the first fruit of the resurrection.

Good Friday was anything but good for the disciples and followers of Jesus. Starting with Jesus on the cross, it became dark. This was mirrored in their hearts. Here was this man, the great teacher, that they had followed for three plus years. He taught about God, he preformed many miracles of healing, and he cast out unclean spirits. Yet, now he was dead. The religious leaders had killed Him before He could finish the job and set up God’s kingdom.

What did they expect?

I’m in a Bible study at this time with my daughters and wife in the book of Mark. I was surprised how many times Jesus told the disciples, He was headed to Jerusalem to be killed. Yet, they still were waiting for Him to be the conquering Messiah. Then came the garden. Jesus was arrested and they scattered. They were scared, lost, and disillusioned. Where was the King? How can He die? We left everything for Him. They went through the Sabbath without Him. It was a dark dreary time of hopelessness.


But as they were gathered together and grieving Sunday morning, the good news came. He was alive! At first they did not believe. Two ran to see for themselves. He was alive. Light came back on Sunday morning. As He appeared, talked, and ate with them the light of hope lit them back. They were empowered to change the world. So, what about now? We know Jesus rose on Sunday morning or the third morning. He’s in heaven now, and I am here in this dark dreary world. I don’t feel Him. The enemy is closing in. What is right is now considered wrong. People cheer babies being killed. I am wrong for holding to God. It is a dark time. It seems like God has given the world over to their own desires.

This seems to put us in a hopeless situation, but remember He promised to never leave us or forsake us. He never promised we would not face adversity. In fact, He promised because He faced persecution, we would be persecuted. Sometimes it is a test, sometimes it is an opportunity, and sometimes it is just God showing you off to Satan (Similarly to Job).

For God Himself has said, I will never fail you or abandon you.

Hebrews 13:5 CJB

It does seem dark, but our hope lies in the True Light, Jesus. He will never abandon us. That is the coming Day- the Real Day- our Sunday morning.

God bless….

Check out the first post on this topic here

Or the next post on this topic here

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